New Member Spotlight: Edgar Virgüez

Meet Edgar Virgüez

An ongoing series from The Alumni Society spotlighting its impressive members

 Alma mater: Duke | Location: Durham, NC

Where are you from?

Bogotá, Colombia

What do you do?

I’m an energy systems engineer promoting the transition toward decarbonized electric power systems. Currently, I’m a postdoctoral researcher and deputy group leader in the Climate-Energy Lab (Carnegie Science at Stanford University).

What is a career accomplishment you’re proud of?

Being one of the first Latinos in Duke University’s history to be appointed to its highest governing body: the Board of Trustees.

In the spirit of giving and receiving, what do you seek from this network and what do you want to contribute?

As a rising scholar and higher education leader, I’m looking to learn from The Alumni Society members on how to continue growing while opening doors for others (see this piece I wrote in Science).

What is a fun fact about you that you’d like to share with the network?

We own an Old English Sheepdog (Brownie). Our dream is that he portrays Max in a live-action version of The Little Mermaid.

Connect with Edgar Virgüez.