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Class of 2024: Nathalie Rayes, US Ambassador to Croatia

Class of 2024: Nathalie Rayes, US Ambassador to Croatia

  • Nathalie Rayes is the US ambassador to Croatia
TAS Class of 2024 Nathalie Rayes

Nathalie Rayes is the US Ambassador to Croatia, and was sworn into the position on January 10, 2024, by Vice President Kamala Harris. Rayes has led a distinguished career in public service, previously serving as the president and CEO of Latino Victory, vice president of public affairs for Grupo Salinas, and executive director of Fundación Azteca America.

She has been a prominent member of multiple boards, including as President Biden’s appointee to the United States Institute of Peace, President Obama’s appointee to the board of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and chair of the board of directors of the Hispanic Federation and the advisory group for Hispanas Organized for Political Equality (HOPE) Binational Fellowship.

Rayes was named among the twenty-five most powerful Latinas in the US by People en Español and Hispanic Executive’s Top 10 Líderes in 2021, as well as earned recognition in the Huffington Post’s 40 Under 40 Latinos in Foreign Policy in 2015. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degree from UCLA.

How does your Latino heritage influence you as a leader?

As a proud member of the Latino community, my heritage has significantly shaped my leadership style, values, and accomplishments. I immigrated to the United States from Venezuela when I was nine years old, and I have dedicated my professional life to being a passionate advocate for the Latino community, working tirelessly to increase our representation, influence, and access to opportunities.

One of the most important aspects of my Latino heritage that has influenced my leadership is the emphasis on community and collaboration. Those values led me to prioritize building solid relationships and fostering a sense of unity among diverse groups. As the head of a progressive organization working to grow Latino political power, I have focused on increasing representation at every level of government, endorsing candidates who share our values and vision for a more inclusive society. My heritage has also inspired me to advocate for the Latino community, ensuring our voices are heard and our needs are addressed. This is evident in my work with the Latino Victory Fund, where I spearheaded historical efforts to endorse and support Latino candidates in local, state, and federal elections. I have helped increase Latino representation and influence in the political sphere through strategic endorsement and fundraising efforts.

In addition to my work in the political arena, my Latino heritage has driven me to engage in philanthropy and civic engagement. As a senior leader of Fundación Azteca America, I have worked to create powerful coalitions and public awareness campaigns on issues such as civic engagement, citizenship, early childhood education, and health and wellness. By collaborating with organizations like Voto Latino, the Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute, and the Hispanic Federation, I have contributed to registering new voters and increasing turnout and citizenship applications.

Furthermore, my heritage has guided my policy advising and advocacy efforts. As the director of the Mayor’s Office of Intergovernmental Relations, I created the first-ever Office of Immigrant Affairs to ensure equal service delivery and representation to new immigrants in the City of Los Angeles. This initiative reflects my commitment to promoting inclusivity and addressing the unique challenges the Latino community faces.

My Latino heritage has been a driving force in my leadership journey, shaping my values, priorities, and accomplishments. I have worked tirelessly to increase representation, influence, and access to opportunities. I am proud to carry the rich cultural legacy of my heritage and use it as a source of strength and inspiration in my ongoing efforts to create a more just and equitable society.

Outside of work, what are you passionate about and why?

My work, notably as the president and CEO of Latino Victory, has allowed me to impact the Latino community positively and reinforce my commitment to culturally informed leadership. Outside of work, I have channeled this passion into serving on the boards of organizations focused on women’s and minority rights and empowerment. I believe in leveraging my heritage and my experiences to empower women and minority communities, creates opportunities, and drives positive change. This commitment to women and minority community empowerment is not just a hobby, but a reflection of the values that make us strong leaders every day.

The Alumni Society’s theme of this year is Leadership for a Changing World. What does it mean to you to lead in a changing world?

Leading in a changing world means adapting to new challenges, embracing diversity, and fostering an inclusive environment. It involves leveraging one’s unique experiences and heritage to empower underrepresented communities, promote cultural understanding, and drive positive change. Effective leaders in a changing world are resilient, innovative, and committed to creating opportunities for all.

What major changes have you observed in your industry over the past year?

As the US Ambassador to Croatia, the past year has been marked by significant change and development in the field of diplomacy and international relations. The political climate has been dynamic, with shifts in both domestic and international politics. The rise of new political ideologies, changes in leadership, and evolving diplomatic relations have all played a part in shaping the landscape of our work. These changes have necessitated a more nuanced approach to diplomacy, requiring us to adapt and respond to new challenges and opportunities.

Changes in international policy have had a profound impact on our work. New policies and regulations, particularly in areas such as trade, climate change, and human rights, have required us to navigate complex negotiations and build new alliances. These policy changes have also highlighted the importance of maintaining strong bilateral relations and promoting mutual understanding and cooperation.

Advancements in technology have transformed the way we conduct diplomacy. The rise of digital diplomacy has enabled us to engage with a wider audience, disseminate information more effectively, and respond more quickly to crises. However, it has also presented new challenges in terms of cybersecurity and information integrity.

Lastly, changes in the socioeconomic landscape, such as the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, have underscored the importance of economic diplomacy and the need to promote sustainable development and economic resilience.

What are you doing to ensure you remain a nimble and adaptable leader during these changing times?

As the US Ambassador to Croatia, I am committed to remaining a nimble and adaptable leader during these changing times. To achieve this, I am focusing on the following key strategies:

Effective Communication: Open and transparent communication is essential for building trust and fostering collaboration. I regularly engage with my team, local government officials, and other stakeholders to ensure that we are all aligned and working towards common goals.

Collaboration: I actively seek opportunities to collaborate with various stakeholders, including local government, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector. By working together, we can leverage our collective strengths and resources to address complex challenges more effectively.

Continuous Learning: To stay ahead of the curve, I am committed to continuous learning and professional development. I strive to stay informed about the latest trends and best practices in diplomacy and international relations. Additionally, I encourage my team to pursue their own professional development opportunities.

Embracing Change: Change is inevitable, and I believe that adaptability is a critical leadership skill. I strive to be open-minded and flexible, embracing new ideas and approaches that can help us achieve our goals more efficiently and effectively.

Cultural Sensitivity: As an ambassador, it is crucial to understand and respect the local culture and customs. I make it a priority to learn about Croatian history, traditions, and values, which enables me to build stronger relationships with local stakeholders and better represent the interests of the United States.

By focusing on these strategies, I am confident that I can remain a nimble and adaptable leader, effectively representing the United States and promoting our shared interests in Croatia during these changing times.

Connect with Nathalie Rayes on LinkedIn.