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Business Insider
9 powerful Latino leaders to consider for corporate board seats in 2022

Nearly one in five US residents is Hispanic or Latino, according to the Census Bureau. But less than 3% of board directors are Latino, a 2019 report by KPMG and the Latino Corporate Directors Association found.

“The gap between workforce and leadership is widest amongst the Hispanic population — even more so than the Black or Asian population,” Vianni Lubus, the vice president of The Alumni Society, a network of mid-level to senior Latino leaders who graduated from top US universities, told Insider. In California, Latinos make up 40% of the population but hold only 2% of the state’s board seats, Lubus said.

The Alumni Society is partnering with the online talent marketplace TheBoardlist to help corporations find talented Latino leaders and increase the number of Latino board members.

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NBC Latino
Alumni Society Connects, Promotes Latino Execs in Corporate America

In a midtown Manhattan event space, the business cards were flying. They were proffered from tailored suit pockets, from designer handbags, from sleek wallets, and, in one instance, from a sterling silver case. Meanwhile, the conversations among the business people gathered at the Hudson Mercantile on Thursday literally echoed off the high ceilings.

These exchanges were a snapshot of Hispanic America rarely seen in the media — and exactly the type of connections that organizers of the Alumni Society’s 2016 Leadership Summit had envisioned.

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